Service description for MAN DataPackage TiGR

MAN DataPackage TiGR is an API solution that provides fleet managers with relevant information about the vehicles in their fleet.

MAN DataPackage TiGR is available for Lion’s City E buses (MY24 with the CM4 is still being validated) and offers data according to the TiGR industry standard. The service provides data based on event triggers according to a push principle. By integrating this API into an existing TiGR-compliant fleet management solution, fleet managers can streamline their processes, increase security and optimise asset utilisation.

Overview of the service
To activate MAN DataPackage TiGR API, the fleet vehicles must be set up in the administration area on the RIO platform and the service must be activated for these vehicles via the Marketplace. After booking the service, the customer must contact RIO customer support to provide the server details for sending the event-based data.

The main features of the MAN DataPackage TiGR API for fleet management are as follows:

  1. The data is available via a push-based API (mobile apps and dashboards do not exist in connection with this service).
  2. After successful booking and corresponding registration on the RIO Marketplace, the customer must contact RIO Customer Support to transmit the server details for sending the push-based data.
  3. The data is streamed to the fleet management server according to a push principle based on TiGR log events.
  4. The service provides a range of vehicle data, from static to dynamic vehicle information.

The following requirements must be met in order to book the MAN DataPackage TiGR:

  1. Use of a RIO box (provision of which is not part of the terms of use)
  2. This service is currently available for Lion’s City E buses (MY24 with CM4 is still under
  3. Use of a customer system for interface communication with the data provisioning system via push events according to the specification available on TiGR API. For third-party companies, it is the responsibility of the customer to clarify and operate the communication channels up to their own system

Service interruption warranty exclusion
The content of MAN DataPackage TiGR may change and be updated over time. In the event of unforeseen technical problems, system maintenance or other factors that may temporarily disrupt or affect the accuracy of the API Service, the provider shall make reasonable efforts to promptly remedy and remedy the situation, but shall not be liable for any resulting consequences or damages suffered by users during such periods of service interruption or data inaccuracies.

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